Experience the transformative power of science-based, personalized coaching where you will learn to align your thoughts and actions with your values and goals, resulting in significant positive changes in all aspects of your life.


  • Are you feeling stuck in a rut, unable to move forward in your personal or professional life?

  • Do you find that fear is holding you back from pursuing your goals or taking risks that could lead to growth and success?

  • Are you struggling with negative emotions such as anxiety, depression, or low self-esteem, and unsure of how to manage them effectively?

  • Are you having trouble maintaining motivation and focus and feeling like you're not making progress towards your goals?

  • Are you feeling unfulfilled or dissatisfied with your current situation, whether it's your career, family, or other aspects of life?

  • Do you struggle to balance your work and personal responsibilities, feeling overwhelmed by the demands on your time and energy?

  • Do you find yourself constantly dealing with urgent matters, without enough time to focus on important tasks that require long-term planning and attention?

  • Do you struggle with setting boundaries and saying "no" to requests and demands that don't align with your values and priorities?

  • Are you experiencing challenges in your personal relationships, impacting your overall well-being and happiness?

Feeling stuck and overwhelmed can be paralyzing, but you don't have to stay there any longer. Let me help you transform your life and reach your goals. I'm here to guide you in making meaningful changes and building healthy habits for a happier and more fulfilling future. Don’t wait any longer! Schedule your FREE consultation today and take the first step towards a happier and more fulfilling life.


According to surveys conducted by the ICF (International Coaching Federation), 99% of coaching clients are satisfied with their experience and 96% would hire a coach again.


Boosted self-confidence


Improved relationships


Improved communication skills


Improved work-life balance



I’m too old.

I’m too damaged.

I’m too set in my ways.

This isn’t true

The truth is that even if the brain has been damaged in the past, there are still things that can be done today to improve and regain parts of what was damaged. You can retrain the brain with healthy habits and strategies.

You can choose to do what you have always been doing, what is comfortable, what is routine and hope for the best. Or you can choose to take action.

Choose to take action with me by your side to guide you, support you, and hold you accountable. I know if you do, you will see measurable positive results.


Yelena holds a PhD in psychology and has worked extensively as a mental health care provider and as a university professor. She is also a Certified Brain Health Professional, Brain Health Licensed Trainer, Certified Neurological Fitness Trainer, and Neuroencoding Licensed Specialist.

Yelena is now bringing her expertise and over 20 years of experience into personal brain health coaching. Through individualized coaching, she helps her clients improve their overall well-being and brain functioning by identifying and implementing simple changes.


Why does Brain Health matter?

Your brain health matters because your brain is the most complex and remarkable organ in the universe! It controls everything you do and makes YOU who YOU are! Understanding the workings of your brain and taking steps to optimize its health are essential building blocks of your overall well-being.

There are many things that can harm the brain and many things that can help it. Trying to find the answers in a simple Google search is sure to overwhelm you with information. Not all that information is going to be good or helpful.

Having someone knowledgeable and experienced to effectively guide you will save you time and provide more clarity. I will help you develop a plan of action that is specific and unique to your situation and needs.

Through personalized coaching you will learn:

How to change your mindset and mentality.

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Which foods and supplements can fuel your success.

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How to create healthy habits and routines.

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How to use your pain to drive purpose.

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Strategies to conquer negative thoughts.

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Practical skills to sharpen your memory, improve focus, and boost cognition.

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Ways to reduce anxiety and depression.

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How to increase your capacity to think critically, solve problems, and make decisions.

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Submit your email below to get a free brain health strategy session and see how coaching can help you. I have seen my clients take the skills they’ve learned and apply them to their work and home settings with amazing results. I am here to help you take action to meet your goals!

The hardest part is taking the first step, but I know you’ll see so many benefits in your life if you do.

Let’s get started together!

Yelena Gidenko Signature
Neuroencoding Licensed Specialist Badge
Brain Health Licensed Trainer Badge
Certified Brain Health Professional Badge

Learn more about how brain health coaching can help you

Click the link below to schedule a FREE, no obligation strategy session

Still have questions? Complete the contact form below and we will be in touch soon!